Last update on 19.05.2020 18:04
Projects of the Fund for the Development of Regions
The database of local projects on urban requalification, facades, education, green projects and innovation financed by the government.
1 buildings, 1 squares, 13 roads, 4 schools and kindergartens, 1 boulevards, 1 water supply and sewage and 11 revitalization projects
4 squares, 4 roads, 2 schools and kindergartens, 2 boulevards, 2 green projects and 2 revitalization projects
1 buildings, 1 squares, 9 roads, 1 façades, 1 boulevards, 2 green projects, 1 water supply and sewage , 4 revitalization projects and 1 other
1 squares, 8 roads, 3 façades, 1 revitalization projects , 2 recreational projects and 1 other
1 roads, 1 boulevards and 3 revitalization projects